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¨The Universe has a perfect structure known as the Balance Vector  that allows it to evolve and expand in an orderly and systematic way, this same structure exists within  of you at a holographic level, by reactivating your original design you recover the perfect energy structure that allows you to reorder your being from the inside to  experience  in harmony with all creation¨

The vibration shift technique  ¨Original Design¨ has the main objective that you experience the power of your self-healing at all levels of your being, by reconnecting with the vibration, structure and original purpose of your soul. 

Once you RECONNECT with your Original Design you begin to elevate, expand your consciousness and physical body freeing yourself from everything old that made you feel disempowered and/or sick. From the clarity of your inner voice you remember how to consciously evolve. You understand the WHY of your patterns to recover the connection of who you truly are and live authentically being yourself.  



Balance Vector

Reconnecting with your original design allows  the original vibration of your soul helps you to make the unconscious conscious, transforming and deprogramming the subconscious of all the limiting thoughts, feelings and emotions that affected your health

being able to experience reality from a state of full consciousness from the original frequency of your soul.


Ancla 2

 Teacher@ Original Design 

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Original design


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