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personal training
basic level
become a conscious creator
basic level
become a conscious creator

Energetic Anatomy Course
of the Divine Human Being

Energetic Anatomy Course
of the Divine Human Being
Welcome to the formation
This workshop lasts 4 hours where the theory about the structure of the original design of creation will be explained and then delve into how that same structure is repeated in the original design of the soul and in all the things that are part of creation. . After the theory you will be able to experience the reconnection of your Original Design individually within the group.
To finish, several meditations will be carried out, the first meditation will help the healing and integration of the original design in the personality and physical body in the deepest possible way for each assistant and the second meditation to help resurrect all the divine holograms that allow the stabilization of the original design through all levels of your consciousness, facilitating the evolutionary leap as a human-divine.
The Reconnection Experience of your Original Design, has the purpose that you experience in a group way the cleanings, activations and alignments. To access again the healing power contained in your original design, this level of your consciousness allows you to access your origin in creation, being able through the vibration of your essence from the dimension of the origin of creation, begin a deep process of self-healing throughout the history of your soul.

Why receive the reconnection with your Original design?
To remember who you truly are and live authentically being yourself.
To reactivate the self-healing capacity of the physical body.
Reach a state of inner coherence between thinking-feeling-doing.
Learn to heal the wounds of your soul and thus be able to create healthy affective bonds in your relationships from self-love and detachment.
Integrate and complete the original frequency of your soul.
Rebuild your original design as a divine human being.
Recover a state of inner freedom and self-empowerment.
Live your reality from a high and expanded state of consciousness.
To awaken the wisdom of your soul and reactivate your dormant gifts and talents.
Discover and realize your soul's purpose in a simple way every day.
For attending the experience, Get a 15% discount on Swarovski Crystal custom activated with you Original design
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